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Warnborough College Ireland: Accredited by IEAC with 5 Star Ranking.

“On behalf of IEAC it is with great pleasure that I extend my heartfelt congratulations to Warnborough College (Ireland) on the successful completion of the recent accreditation inspection. We are delighted to inform you that Warnborough College (Ireland) has not only achieved accreditation with the UK International Education Accreditation Council (IEAC) but has also been awarded a prestigious 5 Star Ranking. The IEAC highest accolade.

The feedback from our inspectors, was exceptionally positive. They were profoundly impressed by the overall quality and excellence of your institution. The breadth and scope of the courses offered at Warnborough College, particularly the robustness of your management processes, were noteworthy.

The inspectors highlighted the effectiveness of your feedback loops facilitated through academic and staff meetings, which also play a crucial role in maintaining high educational standards. Other examples, included your efforts towards inclusivity and diversity and participation in Erasmus+ projects.

The inspectors went on to say that the quality of your mentors and lecturers received high commendations, with special mention of the rigorous and comparative nature of your programmes to leading universities. Online graduate programmes, stood out for their  academic rigor and excellence, reinforcing Warnborough College’s commitment to providing world-class education.

Once again, congratulations on this outstanding achievement. Warnborough College’s dedication to academic excellence and continuous improvement is truly commendable. We look forward to continuing our fruitful association and witnessing your institution’s continued success and contributions to the field of education.”

                       Yours sincerely,                                  

Dr. Karl Meneghella, IEAC Director of Accreditation (UK, June 2024)