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SKILLS: New Focus at Warnborough College, UK

University courses are crumbling under pressure to offer courses and qualifications that are relevant for employment. Particularly, after the Corona crises throughout the world that have devastated economies. Millions are now out of work. Thousands will never work again.  Youth has become disillusioned and despondent.  Accumulating huge debts on non-relevant courses is not practical. So, there is a need now to be smart and look at opportunities to acquire skills that are relevant to your needs and a career. Be aware of the job market and current and future trends. As Executive Director of the International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) I have seen an increase in awareness among youth to be more focused on the realities of changes caused by situations beyond their control. Acquiring skills is now a priority. Thankfully, taking short courses online can meet interest and provide scope for employability. One of the top skills options online is provided by Warnborough College: (, and scholarships are available. Start at any time and achieve the skills you need.

I am studying online: Care Counselling